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Focused on the supply and installation of commercial heat pumps.

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Custom designed turnkey heating solutions.

Custom designed projects.

Installation of more than 8MW of energy efficient heating solutions.

Split - type heat pumps.


At EESCO we are primarily focused on the supply and installation of our locally manufactured heat pumps. Our innovative solutions are custom designed to suite different sectors of the energy and heating markets. With four different ranges, each with a choice of seven models of commercial type Heat Pumps; we cater for large residential water heating, industrial process heating, Agricultural de-humidification (drying) and large-scale combined heating and cooling requirements. Each range is specifically designed for energy efficient heating and / or heating and cooling for the different sectors. Our custom, turnkey solutions are designed to suit any site and application from large residential accommodation, Hotels, Hospitals, process factories to agriculture drying systems, we provide our customers with the latest technology, energy saving solutions at a fair price with unmatched service delivery.

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We have been in business for over 13 years and have to date supplied and installed more than 20MW of energy-efficient heating solutions. From the initial design to installation, monitoring and preventative maintenance we have established a reputation for designing and installing highly efficient turnkey systems. Our innovative solutions include; hybrid solar water heating systems, fruit and nut de-humidifiers and driers, commercial heat reclaim and district heating.

Total kW installed


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Eyethu House - Marshalltown, Johannesburg C.B.D

Design and supply an energy efficient hot water system to supply 424 flats housing 1200 people. The system may not be located on the roof as this is used as an entertainment area. Design to include hot and cold water storage, heating system, pressure pumps and ring main feed to each flat. Design to include use of existing bore hole supply and municipal mains as a back-up.

Hot Water
Supply and install 3 x 10,000 L low pressure hot water storage tanks (insulated) in basement, coupled to 1 x 300kW EESCO heat pump. Evaporator to be installed one level above on ground floor.

Cold Water
Supply and install 6 x 10,000 L low pressure storage tanks in basement. Cold tanks fed from bore hole, municipal mains only used should tanks drop below pre-set level.

Pressure Pump Set
Supply and install pressure pumps for both hot and cold water supply to building. Flow rate to be sufficient for maximum demand times. Pressure to be designed for 150 kPa on the top (6th) floor.

Hot & Cold Water Supply
Supply and install both hot and cold water ring mains with a feed to each flat, terminating in a shut-off valve for the plumbers to “tie into” The hot water ring main to include a return to the hot water storage tanks.

Supply and install a real – time Internet based monitoring system capable of monitoring and storing the heat pump electrical usage (kWh) the hot water consumption (Litres) and the temperature of the hot water delivered. System is capable of printing out graphs for all of the above readings.

Brixton - Student accommodation

Design and supply an energy efficient hot water system to supply communal bathrooms for 72 students. The system should be located in a central area and include hot and cold water storage, fire storage, heating system, pressure pumps and a separate fire pressure pump.

Install above systems in a standard 40ft container to match the project (accommodation in steel shipping containers). All storage tanks, heat pump and pressure pumps are to be pre-installed and tested off site. Container is a “plug & play” installation and fitted with hot and cold water supply valves, hot water return valve and a municipal cold water supply valve.

Hot Water
Supply and install 2 x 2500 L low pressure hot water storage tanks (insulated) coupled to 1 x 40kW EESCO heat pump. Evaporator to be installed as a horizontal discharge type fixed to the ceiling.

Cold Water
Supply and install 2 x 5000 L low pressure storage tanks, 3000 L reserved for fire.

Pressure Pump Set
Supply and install pressure pumps for both hot and cold water supply to building. Flow rate to be sufficient for maximum demand times. Pressure to be designed for 150 kPa on the top (6th) floor. Separate fire pump included designed to match required flow and pressure provided by fire consultant.

Burgerspark Hotel, Pretoria C.B.D (RETRO FIT)

Design and supply an energy efficient hot water system to supply the existing 20 000 L hot water storage tanks. The existing electrical elements located in the tanks to be decommissioned and kept as an emergency backup system. The heat pump to be located in the basement close to the storage tanks.

Hot Water
Supply and install a 300kw EESCO heat pump. The evaporator to be installed one level above on outside concrete slab above ground level. Re-configure existing hot tanks to a series system and fit new ball valves.

Alarm and Monitoring System
Supply and install a real – time internet based monitoring system capable of monitoring and storing the heat pump electrical usage (kWh) the hot water consumption (Litres) and the temperature of the hot water delivered. System is capable of printing out graphs for all of the above readings. Supply and fit an early warning S.M.S based alarm system linked to multiple cell numbers. This system to be linked to the heat pump alarm from controller and a delivery temperature controller.

Afrikaanse Hoer Meisieskool

Design and supply an energy efficient hot water system to replace the existing outdated coal fired boiler used to supply hot water to the schools classroom radiators during the colder winter months. The system to be located adjacent to the current boiler room which is to be converted into a store room. A delivery temperature of 80°C is required to obtain the correct space heating requirements. Noise levels to be kept to a minimum and system to include hot water storage for peak usage in the early mornings.

Hot Water
Supply and install 1 x 20000 L low pressure sectional steel hot water storage tank (insulated) coupled to 1 x 80kW high temperature (80°C) EESCO heat pump. Evaporator to be installed adjacent to heat pump. The heat pump to be capable of re – heating the circulated water from the return temperature of 40°C to the delivery temperature of 80°C. Design to run the heat pump during the warmer daytime temperatures and to keep the storage tank at a constant 80°C. The evaporator to be oversized in order to cater for the colder winter ambient temperatures and to have E.C type fan motors with variable speed drive motors for better efficiency and lower noise levels.

Pressure Pump Set
Supply and install pressure pump for the closed loop hot water circuit. Flow rate to be sufficient for maximum demand times. Pressure to be designed for 150 kPa on the top floor.


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